All Photos are available on your parent dashboard. Log in to view them. First Exciting Day! Theme Day/ Picnic Spa Day Motzei Shabbos Decade Day and Kangoo! Wacky Water day TRIP DAY! PJ DAY and TALENT NIGHT International Day, Roll Call and Clubs Erev Shabbos Gimmel Tammuz Motzei Shabbos! Shtetel Day and Chidon! Twin Day and Bonfire Topsy Turvy Day and Silent Disco! Color War! School Day and Kululam Color Day! Motzei Shabbos Mock Wedding Tzivos Hashem Day Grand Trip DIY DAY/ Production Frizzy Friday and Motzei Shabbos Fast Day/ Tzivos Hashem Awards Last Day/ Panim to the Rebbe Banquet! COMING SOON! COMING SOON!